The adventure is a secret

// The adventure is a secret

Pierre Linguanotto // France // 2013
// 55 & 67 min // Couleur // 1,85:1

A demonstration, a banner. A silhouette seen from behind crosses a white line and directs the movements of the demonstrators. Fodé turns, shows his face and looks at us smiling: choosing when to hide and when to be seen can be decisive in the course of a life.

Mamadou, Fodé and Magasa evoke with calm and lucidity their passage from the clandestine life to the affirmation of their dignity and attachment to their adoptive country, France. Images from the past arise to testify the road traveled, the determination and course set since childhood: the pursuit of adventure.

In coproduction with Lyon TV
With the support of the CNC, Images de la diversité, of the Procirep-Angoa. Broadcast RTS 1st national TV channel in Senegal


Les Inattendus (Lyon) / Festival International du Film d'Amiens / Crossing Europe Film Festival (Linz, Austria) / Art en exil (Paris) / FESDOB Blitta (Togo) / Canada International Film Festival (Vancouver)/Cinemigrante Buenos Aires (Argentine)


Direction : Pierre Linguanotto
Cinematography : Pierre Linguanotto
Sound : Martin de Torcy, Romain Le Bras
Editing : Céline Ducreux
Sound Editing & Mix : Emmanuel Soland, Emmanuel Joubert




 Le 28 mars, 20h, au Relfet Médicis (Paris). En présence de Lea Glob.

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  • Le 29 mars, 20h15, au Méliès. (Montreuil). En présence de Lea Glob et Apolonia Sokol.


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