![Destination Johannesburg](https://www.survivance.net/uploads/Products/product_2/destination-johannesburg-980x233.jpg)
// Destination Johannesburg
Laure Poinsot
// France // 2010
// Couleur // 1,85:1
Sprawling, diverse, Johannesburg is not a city that can easily be tamed, with its endless distances, its social and economic clashes, its reputation for crime.
Formerly the ultimate city of colonialism and of apartheid, Johannesburg is now a city of unprecedented social, economic, and urban issues that the Rainbow Nation must face.
Fifteen years after the fall of apartheid, the ancient city of gold has become a laboratory in which communities learn to live together. Ten residents of Johannesburg, from ten districts, show us their city, their hopes, and their doubts...
In parternship with Libération
View Destination Johannesburg
Laure Poinsot has been a documentarist for more than ten years. She has directed more than twenty films for television (France 5, France 3, Canal +, Public Sénat…). Living between France and the African continent for several years, she chose the form of the web documentary to share her passion for her adopted city, Johannesburg.
Diffusion: Liberation.fr
Laure Poinsot INTERVIEW
Le Labo de Libé
The progressive Africaans professor of political science Piet Kraucamp describes his encounter with Nelson Mandela, after a tough political meeting.
- 15 mai de 17h à 21h
Vernissage de l’exposition Ces voix qui m'assiègent...- Cité Internationale des arts
- 16 mai à 19h
Live documentary performance de Mila Turajlic consacré à son travail sur les archives - Cycle La recherche et ses récits, Le Bal
- 18-21 mai
Projections et rencontres avec Mila Turajlic de Non Alignés et Ciné-Guerrillas, Festival Etonnants Voyageurs, St Malo
- 22 mai à 18h
Rencontre et dialogue entre Mila Turajlic et Elaine Mohktefi (militante anti-raciste et anticoloniale, ancienne du FLN), MEP
- 23 mai à 19h
Projection du film Non Alignés (présenté par Carine Chichkowsky, productrice), Parti Communiste Français, Paris